Settings ======== Mail Auth settings ------------------ .. attribute:: LOGIN_URL_TIMEOUT Default: ``900`` Defines how long a login code is valid in seconds. .. attribute:: LOGIN_REQUESTED_URL Default: ``accounts/login/success`` Defines the URL the user will be redirected to, after requesting an authentication message. .. attribute:: LOGIN_TOKEN_SINGLE_USE Default: ``True`` Defines if a token can be used more than once. If ``True``, the same token can only be used once and will be invalid the next try. If ``False``, the same token can be used multiple times and remains valid until expired. Django related settings ----------------------- .. attribute:: DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL Default: ``''`` The sender email address for authentication emails send by Django Mail Auth. .. attribute:: SECRET_KEY .. attention:: *Keep it secret, keep it safe!* This key is the foundation of all of Django security measures and for this package.